April 2015 MOMMIES FIRST unboxing and review

This is a late review on the April 2015 Mommies first box. This subscription service will send you 4-5 baby products for your pregnancy through the first year. The cost is $30.00 a month. They have longer subscriptions for 3, 6, or 12 months.  You get one month free with a 6 month subscription and 2 months free with a 12 month subscriptions. Check out their website here for more info.


IMG_0075This months box was packed fun of wonderfully useful things! Everything in this box was geared towards feeding. Since Gabriel is almost five months old now I was very excited to use these things.



Re-Play Snack Stack-Retails $5.00

This product is made out of FDA approved recycled milk jugs, dishwasher safe, durable and lightweight, BPA-free and proudly made in the USA. This product is great for carrying snacks for my daughter who is 6.



juDanzy Bandana Bib-Retails $7.00

This is a very cute and soft bandana bib. Features adjustable snap clip closure. www.judanzy.com Their company website has a variety of cute and stylish baby wear.



Happy tot organic super food pouch. I believe these were extras in my box since there wasn’t any info on the card. They are from the company happyfamilybrands.com.



OXO tot: On-The-Go Feeding Spoon-Retails $4.99

I’ve used this spoon more than a dozen times. I love it for whenever I go anywhere because I don’t have to worry about the spoon getting dirty and it’s just so convenient. Features a soft silicone tip that is gentle on baby gums. The lid actually stays shut so you don’t have to worry about it opening in your bag.



Bibs to go-Retail $12.99

These bibs are so cute and such a great idea. They undo in the back and come with stickers to hold it together while feeding. I have a hard time getting the sticker to hold onto the bib. This pack comes with a variety of patterns and they are all very cute.


dr suess

Dr. Suess Bodysuit-Retails $9.95

This is such a cute addition to Gabriels never ending wardrobe. Green eggs and ham goes perfectly with the theme of the box as well. It says they sent the size for a growing baby and its too tight already, but Gabriel wears 6 month clothes already.

Overall I love this box. Cant lie it was amazing and look forward to my next box.

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