Last Day of School!

Resized-5JHE4I am linking up with Jennifer at Ramblings of a Suburban Mom for her Thursday Thoughts link-up.

This is a very special Thursday for my family and I. Bella is officially a first grader. My oh my how this year has flown by!

11130163_10153175350631293_6924685170275389690_nShe has grown up so fast and SO amazingly beautiful. I am so proud of her. She won the “Bubble Gum Award” for her bubbly personality. Her teacher told us a story about when she was asked to name something rectangular she blurted out a porta potty. Sounds like her she says the funniest things.

I am so excited to see the shenanigans we get into this summer. I have a few fun activities planned.

Whats your favorite summer activity?? 

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