First Foods

569e488515298e60bb8776ff8f86c4adGabriel will be four months soon and I have had solid foods on my mind for a couple weeks now. Should I feeds him the regular baby food out of the jars that are already made or should I make his food myself. Isn’t there a lot of chemicals in premade baby food. I have the time to make the food and the funds to buy the Baby food processor. Which processor should I get.  Am I just thinking into this too much. Gabriel is exclusively breastfed and if I make his food that means there will be no chemicals or added anything. Will it be harder on his stomach when he gets older and eats pre packaged things. Is it wrong for me to feel a little guilt since with my daughter I just fed her regular baby food. I had her when I was hardly 18 so the chemicals in baby food were the last thing on my mind. I feel like I am having all the anxiety that a first time mom would have but with my second baby. Has anyone else had this problem.

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