Writing a book

I have been neglecting my blog and haven’t been posting much but I’ve had a lot going on. I’m contemplating writing a book. Now I’m already nervous and trying my hardest to not talk myself out of it. It’s just that I’m not an English major and I hated creative writing class in high school. But I feel as though writing a novel will help me heal in so many ways. I took the first step. Research. I also went to Barnes and Nobel and purchased a workbook that helps me get an idea of how to put a book together with all of the characters and what not to do. Should I hire someone to help me? I have no idea what I’m doing. Do I even have time to write a book. So many questions. 

Blog challenge day 30


Well I don’t carry around a makeup bag everywhere I go. I carry a diaper bag. The only beauty products I carry around in my diaper bag would be my chapstick limited edition coconut, and my starlooks lip gloss. I really don’t worry much about my makeup after I leave the house. All of my focus is on my babies.